What a surprise I got when I went to my blogger dashboard this week to see that
NZEco Chick had recognised my young, wee blog with this award!
My initial thought was that it was spam! Having never seen the award before, and with such few (visible) followers, and my irregular posting I think it was natural to be a little intrigued.
NZEco Chick exists, so does the award of recognition, and on her beautiful blog there is my blog along with others she recognised too! Super!!
Being the curious kind I wanted to investigate the award further. Its point of origin is hard to find. Many other curious recipients of the award have found it difficult to pin point its beginnings. The award has found its way around the world of blogging over the years. It is essentially a positive form of chainmail.
The Versatile Blogger award has held varied criteria too. In receiving the award you need to share more about yourself, and award a selection of other blogs you love. This number has varied from three to fifteen from my research. With the high number of blogs to be awarded you can see the chainmail effect. However it is the "versatile" blogger award and by definition it is about adaptability.
So thank you
NZeco Chick - it is wonderful to be acknowledged by a fellow mummy blogger, especially when you don't strive for recognition. My blog was born out of the need for connection, reflection and recollection.
Just last week I strolled along the beach reflecting and I realised how grateful I am for the blogging community I have become a part of. I wanted to post about this gratefulness. Now I can combine this appreciation with the awardees! Choice.
There are three simple rules I need to follow in accepting the award:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award.
2. Share seven things about yourself.
3 Give the award to up to 15 newly discovered bloggers.
More about me...check out my updated profile here. (coming soon - needed sleep!)
Blogs I am lovin' (I went for the less is more approach here)
Softearth's World
Marie is a kiwi needle felting crafter. Her creativity and passion is both inspiring and infectious. Marie I am so grateful for your kind and encouraging comments on my blog. Especially by offering a new mum a fresh new approach to my wee girls sleeping patterns - our sleeps time are much more relaxed and successful thanks to your suggestion.
A crafty and home keeping blog by Megan. Megan shares her crafting and eco steps in a beautifully presented blog. She also connects her followers to other fantastic blogs and ideas. She has established the
Crafty Stitchers group here in Tauranga. Megan, as a mum of three and as busy as you are I have appreciated your encouragement and support here in the blogging world.
Greedy for Colour
Another local blogger!! Kate shares her crochet crafts and patterns with us. They are oh so funky and colour bleeds from this blog through word and image. You really brighten up my day - and make my list of crafty aspirations longer and longer!!
Midget Magic
A local old school crafter - crafting long before the blogosphere appeared. Maree entered the blogging world recently with the encouragement of moi! Her eye for colour and ability to quilt like an artist paints is impressive. Her crafts and quilts capture the true essence of the recipient for which they are created. Maree is an international blogger now, an ex pat and I am really keen to hear more about her international adventures in crafting with her hands, and crafting the potential of the children she learns with.
Olive and Esther
A quilting artist based in Australia. Creative Spaces connected me with this blog and I am thankful for the wise words of encouragement reminding me that art comes in many forms in response to my cake crafting - in particular my retro caravan cake. Megan is another nurturing mum who weaves her creative eye and passion and love for her family into her blog in an always attractive way.
"Daily insight from a Mumma taking steps toward a more sustainable, compassionate and conscious life". Your blog is a source of motivation for me, you live your philosophy as strongly as you are able and this helps keep me on track as I try to focus my lenz on what is important to me. I am enjoying the Steiner pathway you are journeying on as my family begin their own Steiner journey - this is especially valued as only one other person in my community shares these values as well as my sister who lives a province away.
Thank you fellow bloggers! If you choose to accept the award that would be wonderful. If not, please accept my gratefulness for what you have given to this beginning blogger x
Please visit and follow these blogs, you will enjoy them!