Kia Ora Koutou! I think it has been six months since I have had free hands and free time to post. I have been a shocker in the last year - when it comes to writing. In my head I have shared a lot on this blog. My hands have been much busier than I could ever have anticipated with two little treasures in my life. In fact treasure number two is in an interesting sleep stage and in order for us to get her to sleep more than she thinks she needs, I need to sit with her. Usually I knit ( the better choice while I keep her company) but today I write!
Little E has just had her first birthday. We celebrated with a rainbow party. I will share this soon.
KB having turned three has started kindy and after two weeks is loving the rhythm.
Finally, the rain clouds above my head are lifting.
These events have shifted the clouds for us and we are loving the rainbow of colour we can all see now. KB really needed kindy. E is flourishing as her sister the tall, strong Kauri (tree) is stretching her boughs and letting more light shine down on her. And, I am finding time for me.
While I write this blog for me - to reconnect, to connect and reflect, it is lovely to hear that others enjoy my posts. My last post occurred around the same time a friend from long ago posted me a thoughtful gift and a thank you note for sharing here. I was quite blown away. Thank you Jackie! Then as I sign in I find a new comment from a passionate playcentre Mum who found me via google. Thank you Tara. I have also been told there are other readers out there who wait with anticipation for my next post!! I find that hard to believe, but I am very grateful. Perhaps, if you have time you could share why you have enjoyed reading my posts. Let's hope I get time to write more often, and then if I don't know that I am having too much fun with my little rainbows!